2008年12月11日 星期四

我們好像打成結論了!!! 我們有另外在打一個Introduction, 所以這個就當結論吧!

Have you ever wondered why some people prefer to home dogs and why some prefer to have cats?

Cats scratch you whenever they want, they don’t come to you randomly to get attention, and they need a lot of privacy, this is why cats never attracted me. However, my best friend, Claire. She is a cat person. “I prefer to have a cat because I know I won’t stay at home 24/7, I won’t choose a pet that needs much attention” Claire said. For example, one day when she got home. Her cat usually cleans itself. And the cat has a cat litter where is its bathroom, It also very independent. Therefore, when she exhausted got home, she doesn’t need to take much cart of it. She just need to take a good rest at night.

As you can see, I love dogs more than cats but Claire loves cats more than dogs. Because we have different personality and lifestyles. I live with my family but Claire lives by herself. I’m more out going than Claire does. That’s why I prefer dogs. Dogs is really cheerful. And most people like to have fun with their pets. A dog is a good choice, because it is an animal that cheers people up and it needs love from you at the same time. Therefore, having a dog is like having a baby in the family. This is one of the reasons why I rather have a dog over a baby. I don’t like baby’s cry, but I enjoy a dog’s bark. Most importantly, we don’t need to change a dog’s diaper. Dogs are so much more “people friendly” than cats are. Now, you can be the judge for which pet is most suitable for you; a cat or a dog?

2008年11月26日 星期三


The person who has one dog and 7 cats and of course she is a cat person. She thinks dogs is loving and we don't need to figure out what they want because they are easy to understand. Dog people want and enjoy what seems to be immediate, up front results.Cat people dont mind taking the time to work on relationships and are not afraid to show emotion.
She hates people who doesn't like them and brag about wanting to kill them. I hate that kind of person too. I don't ike cats, but I don't want to or try to kill them. Just leave them alone! She mentioned she respect the people who do not like cats, but she can not stand they want to kill them.

We took notes in the one of respons



I Introduction
A. Why some people like cats, but some people like dogs.
B. Understand their personaity.
C. Obervtion and interviews.
1. To attend some pets parties.
2. To interview people who have dog or cat.
3. To interview a professor who studys pet's psychology.
D. To answer the research questions.
E. More understanding
1. To understand how they choose their pets.
2. To understand cat people and dog people their difference.
3. Comparing
II Thesis
A. Fator of who have dogs
1. Famiy
2. Social
3. Speacial cases
B. Fator of who have cats
1. Famiy
2. Social
3. Speacial cases
C. Survey
1. Questions
III Discussion
We wonder why some people like dogs instend of cats and we try to understand their backgrounds.

2008年10月18日 星期六


為何很多人說.狗是人類最忠實的夥伴?自古以來.狗狗扮演很多很多角色.看門.打獵.牧羊.這都是牠的工作.現在被訓練成緝毒.導盲.甚至要學很多雜耍.在馬戲團裡提供人們娛樂.不過大部分的狗最後變成了寵物.或許每個人的目的不同.但我覺得每個人都需要被愛.動物所給予的感情聯繫.是連另 一半都不能相提並論的.你仔細想想.如果你每天回家.有一隻狗總是興高采烈的歡迎你.你心裡會不會感到高興.就算你和牠一起生活了10年.牠還是會因為你每天回家來找牠而興奮異常.狗狗給予人類的情感.是一星期7天.24小時源源不絕的.牠從不要求你回報牠.




2008年10月10日 星期五

The spirits of the people who have dogs or cats?

Now a days, we will see dome people have dogs at home, but some people have cats. I wondered why there are such different between them? And what are their lifestyle look like? In a developed country, almost 95% people live in apartments, so they don’t have enough space for a dog. That is a main reason they chose a cat. Also people are pretty busy now, so they will chose a animal that does not need much attention. But there is a big different between Taiwan and America. They have bigger houses. Therefore they have enough space for a dog. Their lifestyle are slow, that's why they will choose dogs instead cats.I want to know why there are so many people who love cats nowadays? Because I hate cats, that's why I chose this topic. I hope Taiwanese can also slow down their lifestyle. Therefore, we can enjoy our life besides earning money. I truly hope everyone can love their pets and enjoy having them around even if the pets are as independent as cats are!!! Therefore, I think if people could slow down the pace of their lifestyle, then they would have more time for their pets.

2008年9月24日 星期三

5 topics

1. The afternoon tea shop in Gong Guan
We love to have a cup of coffee and a piece of cake in a such beautiful afternoon tea shop in Gong Guan. We can chat and share our experience with each other, that’s the best thing in the life.
2. The ugliest uniform in Taiwan
I just can’t stand some school’s uniforms, the color is weird and the sizes are look stupid. I am glad my school’s is pretty good looking.
3. Let’s save our environment immediately
Now we can see a lot people don’t drive to go to work or school. Instead of driving , they prefer ride their bikes. That’s helpful for our environment and it’s also free! We can say is to kill two bird with one stone.
4. The different behavior between dogs and cats
Most people have a pet, some people like dogs more than cats and some people don’t. So we want to figure out why there are such different between them.
5. The food in Shilin Night Market
There are a lot kinds of food in Shilin Night Market. We want to share some with everyone. The food we are going to introduce which we always eat whem we go there.