為何很多人說.狗是人類最忠實的夥伴?自古以來.狗狗扮演很多很多角色.看門.打獵.牧羊.這都是牠的工作.現在被訓練成緝毒.導盲.甚至要學很多雜耍.在馬戲團裡提供人們娛樂.不過大部分的狗最後變成了寵物.或許每個人的目的不同.但我覺得每個人都需要被愛.動物所給予的感情聯繫.是連另 一半都不能相提並論的.你仔細想想.如果你每天回家.有一隻狗總是興高采烈的歡迎你.你心裡會不會感到高興.就算你和牠一起生活了10年.牠還是會因為你每天回家來找牠而興奮異常.狗狗給予人類的情感.是一星期7天.24小時源源不絕的.牠從不要求你回報牠.
2008年10月18日 星期六
2008年10月10日 星期五
The spirits of the people who have dogs or cats?
Now a days, we will see dome people have dogs at home, but some people have cats. I wondered why there are such different between them? And what are their lifestyle look like? In a developed country, almost 95% people live in apartments, so they don’t have enough space for a dog. That is a main reason they chose a cat. Also people are pretty busy now, so they will chose a animal that does not need much attention. But there is a big different between Taiwan and America. They have bigger houses. Therefore they have enough space for a dog. Their lifestyle are slow, that's why they will choose dogs instead cats.I want to know why there are so many people who love cats nowadays? Because I hate cats, that's why I chose this topic. I hope Taiwanese can also slow down their lifestyle. Therefore, we can enjoy our life besides earning money. I truly hope everyone can love their pets and enjoy having them around even if the pets are as independent as cats are!!! Therefore, I think if people could slow down the pace of their lifestyle, then they would have more time for their pets.
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